Online Dating For 50

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  1. Best Online Dating For 50 Year Olds
  2. Over 50 Dating Online

SilverSingles makes 50+ online dating as easy as pie - use our secure dating site or our amazing dating app to start chatting to other over 50 singles near you, then move your new-found romance into the real world. Romance and Fun With 50+. OkCupid's basic services are free to use, and upgraded features start at $4.95 per month. Tinder: One of the most popular dating apps, Tinder was once known as a hookup app for people not looking for long-term commitment. But for many people over 50 Tinder has become a more traditional way to meet and connect.

The online dating portal exclusively for people over 50!

Free dating services for over 50

Are you over 50 and single? Then you are not alone! Almost every second marriage falls apart and many people find themselves suddenly single and lonely. As you grow older, you'll most likely not want to search for a new partner in bar or clubs and the office ceases to be a potential dating platform. Online dating is the perfect way to find your match and meet other 50+ singles like you. We offer middle aged and older singles the best possible conditions and a safe environment for a carefree dating. 50plus-club was founded in 2008 as one of the first online dating sites designed specifically and exclusively for older singles and we have been bringing happy couples together for many years.

New friends and like-minded people waiting for you!

In addition to dating, we also offer you the opportunity to find new friends or people with the same interests. While searching you can always choose between a long term relationship, friendship or even pick both. A lot of members here are looking for new friends or they want to take the dating process very slow. However, our experience has shown, that quite often one of those new online friends turns into the long-sought-after partner. Many of our members have already established a large circle of friends and log in daily to chat and to talk about God and the world..

Local Meetings and Events in your area!

Find new contacts close to you and get to know other members personally. Our local 50+ groups oragnize real meetings and events to help you get to know each other in real life. Our members meet for various activities such as bowling, hiking, pub visits, cinema, concerts, etc. These meetings have proven to be a real recipe for success, because many couples have met at these events, even those, who were not originally looking fora partner.

Chat, forums and blogs ..more than just a Dating Site!

Our online dating platform connects people! Whether you are looking for a long term relationship or just some interesting, new friends, in our community you will find what you are looking for! With us, everything is tailored to the needs of older singles and seniors, greatly increasing the likelihood of finding the one or new friends. You can chat in our free public chatroom and share your insights with like-minded people in various forums and personal blogs on a variety of topics. All these special features will help you to connect and communicate and to find what you are looking for.
We are more than a Dating Site... as featured on and

Data protection has top priority!

Online dating 50 plusDatingDating online for women over 50

Data protection is a top priority at 50plus-Club. We'll never compromise with your personal information! We've designed our service with your privacy in mind. At 50plus-Club you have full control over all your data. We are dedicated to keeping your information safe and secure and regularly update our security. We won't share your information with 3rd parties. Moreover, all user profiles are carefully checked by hand to make sure they are genuine.

How does it work?

At 50plus-Club members can get to know each other in a relaxed and safe environment. Sign up for free in a few seconds and tell about yourself and your expectations in your online dating profile. Add an appealing profile photo and some of your favorite pics to your gallery and you're ready to go! The more information you share, the more attention and messages you will receive from other members. At 50+ Club you have the choice between a free Basic and a Premium Membership. As a Basic member, you can search for a relationship, new friends or both. You can also communicate with premium members, reply to messages, send smiles, chat and participate on the forums for free. For unrestricted use, we offer you a Premium Membership with additional features and more advantages so sou'll have even more success.

Online dating at any age can be very time consuming and sometimes you feel like you’ve had enough. But that doesn’t me you have to give up. All it means is that your are suffering from online dating overload and that you need some “me time”. It’s like when you are in the middle of a huge job search campaign. You’ve been applying for loads of jobs, have spent hours researching and preparing for meetings and going to interviews but you still haven’t found that wonderful new job.

Best Online Dating For 50 Year Olds

All of this means you need to take time out. Focus on other topics. Pamper yourself. What I like to do when I feel like this is to read, Netflix or watch TedTalks by Elif Shafak or Ester Perel, two very insipring women. Ms Shafak talks about cultural diversity, growing up with a single Mum and the art of storytelling. Ms Perel gives her insights into love, desire and sucessful relationships. All of this content gives me food for thought. It gives me perspective. And helps me to understand where I am, why I am feeling like this and where I am going next.

Living in a country with a different culture to my own and brining up a child in this culture often provides many challenges. But it’s a highly enriching experience. I learn so much. Not only about others but also about myself. I get to see how different cultures approach relationships and life in general.

So when I take time out from swiping, messaging, meeting new people and going on dates this teaches me so much. And most importantly it builds my self-confidnece, something that a lot of women lack. It really helps me grow my emotionel intelligence, makes me realize that life is wonderful and that I am so lucky.

Over 50 Dating Online


So whenever you feel like it’s all getting too much. Just take a step back. Relax. Spend time with your children, family or friends. Intellectually invest in what interests you and find new things to learn. The newness of it all is so refreshing. It makes you feel calmer, stronger and so much motivated about life in general.