Dating Single Dad Reddit

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  3. Dating as a young single dad Dating and Relationships I’m 21 almost 22 and wanna start dating again but don’t really know how to bring up with people that I have a 15 month old daughter.

I have 90% custody as well and simply gave up on dating. Women (for the most part) don't want to date a single dad. If they don't have kids, then it's for a reason and they don't want any. If they have kids, then THEIR kids are their entire world. I actually had a woman with kids tell me she didn't want to date a guy with baggage (my kids).

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If you’re considering being in a serious relationship with a single parent, then you’re far more open and understanding than most people. For a lot of singles out there, finding out someone they’re interested in comes with a mini-me is a reason to run, but it shouldn’t be! As far as baggage goes, there are men that come with far worse things than a cute little kid — like a terrible baby mama. Just kidding!

Dating single dad with kids

So, this guy has a kid—at least you know he’s responsible and knows how to love someone other than himself! Just keep in mind that there are some important yet unspoken protocols when it comes to dating a single dad. The guy probably won’t tell you because, well, he only wants to parent one person in his life. So we’ll put you on instead. Don’t do any of these things when dating a single dad.

Image Source: Shutterstock

Expect this to be run of the mill

Go into this situation understanding that it will be unlike any other relationship you have had, and most of the things you could usually do in the past—you may need to consult your boyfriend on because he has a kid to take into account.


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